Recipe: Tasty Grilled tuna sandwich

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Grilled tuna sandwich. Try our Grilled Tuna Melt sandwich with melted cheese on whole grain bread. A Grilled Tuna Melt is great any time of day. Grilled tuna cheese sandwiches aka grilled tuna melt sandwiches are awesome.

Grilled tuna sandwich Certain types of bread better for certain types of sandwiches. Ginger and orange create the wow in grilled tuna for sandwiches. Learn how to make Grilled-Tuna Sandwiches. You can cook Grilled tuna sandwich using 8 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Grilled tuna sandwich

  1. You need 1 can of tuna drained.
  2. You need 1 of boiled egg diced.
  3. It's 1/4 of of a purple onion diced.
  4. Prepare to taste of Salt and pepper.
  5. It's 1 of pickle diced.
  6. You need 1/4 of of a cup or less.
  7. Prepare to taste of Mustard.
  8. You need 2 tbsp of butter.

Grilled Tuna Nicoise Sandwich. by: SugarnStuff. This sandwich is a portable take on the classic salade nicoise. So many flavorful layers combine for an amazing sandwich experience! Eat the tuna sandwich warm, straight off the grill, or wrap it up and pack it in a cooler for a picnic dinner.

Grilled tuna sandwich instructions

  1. Mix all together. And set in the refrigerator for an hour to let the flavors come together. Butter opposite sides of the bread on the inside of the bread put the butter side down on the frying pan and add your tuna set the other butter side up on the sandwich. And grill until golden brown.

Serve with grilled bell peppers drizzled with extra-virgin olive oil and vinegar and a glass of. The grilled cheese sandwich is a classic American staple food. Grilled cheese is good for lunch It's the perfect sandwich when I want something savory yet sweet. Place the cheese on the bread and then the tuna. Serve or refrigerate and eat later (they are still nice cold).