Recipe: Yummy Amaranth greens

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Amaranth greens. Amaranth greens are nutritious, edible leafy vegetables of Central American origin. Amaranth leaves and grains were one of the staple foods of Aztecs and Incas in pre-Columbian times. Amaranth leaves are versatile greens that can be eaten raw in a salad, added to a stir.

Amaranth greens Amaranth leaves are the leafy green from the amaranth plant which possess anti-carcinogenic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory Amaranth greens. Amaranthus is a cosmopolitan genus of annual or short-lived perennial plants collectively known as amaranths. Some amaranth species are cultivated as leaf vegetables, pseudocereals. You can have Amaranth greens using 5 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Amaranth greens

  1. It's 500 grams of green amaranth.
  2. You need 2 of onions (diced).
  3. It's 1/4 cup of brown coarse bulgur (55 g).
  4. You need 1/4 of cup/4tbs olive oil.
  5. Prepare 1/4 tsp of salt, or to taste.

The tropical amaranth plant, a delicious and nutritious food, is related to pigweed and to Love Lies Growing Amaranth As A Food Plant (Amaranthus Spp.) How To Grow Amaranth, Why, And What To. It's called "amaranth", "amaranth greens" or sometimes "Chinese spinach," and comes in both green and purplish-pink colors. The flavor of the two varieties is largely the same. Amaranth greens may be eaten raw or cooked.

Amaranth greens step by step

  1. Wash the amaranth leaves many times, and drain them..
  2. Chop the leaves in a large cuts..
  3. Wash the bulgur and drain it..
  4. In a large pan, heat the olive oil then add the diced onions..
  5. Stir with a wooden spoon or spatula til tender nd goldish..
  6. Add the chopped leaves, stir well, then cover it for 5 minutes on a low heat..
  7. Add the bulgur and salt and mix them well..
  8. Keep them for 10 minutes on a low heat, or until the bulgur is well cooked..
  9. Served cold..
  10. Made by:Rania Issa.

The younger leaves are mild and tender while the more mature plants are slightly fibrous and develop a bitter flavor. Growing amaranth isn't difficult, and it's the perfect plant for edible landscaping thanks to its gorgeous flowers, and nutritious seeds and leaves. Amaranth is one of the most vibrant colored microgreens. The taste is unique as well. In this article, we show you how to grow amaranth microgreens.