Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Kuku Kienyeji

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Kuku Kienyeji.

Kuku Kienyeji You can have Kuku Kienyeji using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Kuku Kienyeji

  1. Prepare 1 of whole chicken.
  2. You need 1 of onion.
  3. You need 3 of tomatoes.
  4. You need of I bunch dhania.
  5. You need Bunch of Spinach.
  6. You need Bunch of Amaranth.
  7. Prepare Bunch of Kancera.
  8. You need 1 teaspoon of chicken masala.

Kuku Kienyeji instructions

  1. Boil the chicken for about 30 minutes & drain the stock in a heavy sufuria.
  2. Fry onions & tomatoes to get a thick paste, add seasoning & let it boil..
  3. Add the chicken in the paste,with the chopped dhania, mix it to combine the flavor..
  4. Sautee onions in a heavy sufuria,add the chopped veggies & cook for 5 minutes..
  5. Serve with Ugali, while hot..