How to Cook Tasty Pan fried Brussels sprouts

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Pan fried Brussels sprouts. Put away your sad memories of boiled Brussels sprouts. Pan fry them in hot olive oil with garlic and onion, and they turn golden brown, with crispy edges and a sweet, nutty flavor that will become addictive. Reviews for: Photos of Pan Fried Brussels Sprouts.

Pan fried Brussels sprouts Season with salt and pepper, to taste, and toss. It makes a perfect side dish for any occasion. BEST pan fried brussels sprouts recipe! You can cook Pan fried Brussels sprouts using 5 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Pan fried Brussels sprouts

  1. It's of Brussels sprouts.
  2. It's of Bacon.
  3. You need of Mapple syrup.
  4. You need of Walnuts.
  5. Prepare of Salt & pepper.

Crispy & packed with flavor from caramlized onions, garlic, and a little Parmesan! In the past few years, fried brussels sprouts became all the rage, taking over Instagram and making frequent appearances on different trendy restaurant menus. Preparation Trim Brussels sprouts and halve lengthwise. Cut garlic into very thin slices.

Pan fried Brussels sprouts instructions

  1. Boil Brussels sprouts for 10 min. Rinse in cold water..
  2. Pan fry butter, walnuts & Brussels sprout for a couple of min. Then add bacon & mapple syrup. Add a bit of water to prevent burning..

Cooking brussels sprouts is so easy. Unfortunately, many people remember being served brussels sprouts that were boiled. I love roasting or pan frying brussels sprouts because the browning and caramelizing on the outside of the vegetable adds a sweet flavour to the brussels sprouts. This Brussels sprouts recipe is easy to prepare, and they come out tasting fresh and toasty, not soggy and overcooked. Trim the stems off the Brussels sprouts and then halve them lengthwise.