Recipe: Tasty mango vodka-lada (mvl)

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

mango vodka-lada (mvl). R., Sam van der Plas [OFILANT] camera: Ecrip Arts, Sam van der Plas edit: B. The mango spice cocktail features the fruity vodka of Absolut, but there's a surprise inside this unassuming drink. The recipe calls for both mango vodka and nectar and the duo are enhanced with agave nectar.

mango vodka-lada (mvl) Alcoholic Cocktails Vodka Drinks Easy Cocktails Cocktail Recipes Beverages Party Drinks Mango Vodka Refreshing Summer Drinks Summer Fruit. Mango Chilli Sauce is yummy spread or accompaniment that you must relish during summer! Read my recipe and prepare it! You can have mango vodka-lada (mvl) using 6 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of mango vodka-lada (mvl)

  1. Prepare 4 cup of ice.
  2. Prepare 1/2 cup of pineapples.
  3. Prepare 1/2 cup of mangos.
  4. You need 1/2 cup of cream of coconut.
  5. Prepare 1 1/4 cup of skyy vodka.
  6. Prepare 1 tsp of vanilla extract.

Wodka und Mango, ganz exotisch und tropisch. Die Mango besitzt einen stark aromatisch-süßlichen Geschmack und stammt aus den tropischen Regionen As. Mango Vodka eignet sich hervorragend, um verschiedene Cocktails auf Wodkabasis auf exotische Art zusätzlich zu verfeinern. A wide variety of mango vodka options are available to you, such as packaging, primary ingredient, and type.

mango vodka-lada (mvl) step by step

  1. add ice to blender.
  2. add vanilla to blender.
  3. add cream of coconut to blender.
  4. add fruit to blender.
  5. add vodka to blender.
  6. blend on med. until it is smooth.
  7. pour into glasses.

Made with a blend of citrus juices, tropical mangoes, and a shot or two of vodka, this slushie for adults is guaranteed to be a hit at your next get-together! En este sitio encontrarás lo mejor en Whisky, Tequila, Vodka, Vinos y Licores. Estamos comprometidos con el consumo responsable de alcohol, por eso te pedimos contestar con responsabilidad. Ciroc mango vodka is deliciously smooth and. Absolut Mango has brought the relaxation of sunny beaches to your classic summer cocktails for a decade.