Recipe: Perfect Moroccan mint tea

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Moroccan mint tea. Moroccan Mint Tea and Moroccan Tea Culture. Tim E White / Getty Images. Historians differ as to when they believe tea was introduced to Moroccan culture.

Moroccan mint tea I especially like it iced in the In the bazaars of Morocco in North Africa, tea is served on a "sinya" or three legged tray, usually. Moroccan mint tea is made using a handful of ingredients and a definite technique. In fact, making authentic Moroccan mint tea is neither complicated or expensive. You can cook Moroccan mint tea using 4 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Moroccan mint tea

  1. It's 2 tablespoons of green tea.
  2. Prepare 5 cups of boiling water.
  3. Prepare 1 bunch of fresh mint.
  4. Prepare 1 of ⁄2-1 cup sugar, to taste.

Forget cocktails, forget coffee, Moroccan mint tea is my new jam. I was super giddy because while I've heard a lot about Moroccan mint tea, I had yet to enjoy a cup of my own. We think its lovely golden yellow colour is as pretty to look at as it is to drink. Moroccan mint tea is traditionally brewed and served by the head male in the family and given to guests as a sign of welcoming hospitality.

Moroccan mint tea step by step

  1. Boil water. Cover it until it's boiled.
  2. Place tea in teapot.
  3. Wash mint under running water and add it to teapot..
  4. Wait for 3 to 5 minutes. Add sugar as desired..
  5. Serve in mint tea glasses or small cups.
  6. Enjoy !.

Moroccan mint tea is generally served in at least three. I vividly remember watching the server lift a plump silver teapot (called a The preparation of Moroccan mint tea involves patient ritual. Moroccan mint tea is a blend of Chinese gunpowder green tea with fresh mint to create this famously delicious tea. Easy tips to make it hot or iced! Authentic Moroccan Mint Tea recipe is really hard to find.