Recipe: Yummy Japanese green tea

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Japanese green tea. Japanese Green Tea and Sencha, Kukicha, Genmaicha, Matcha, Konacha, Houjicha, Bancha and other High Quality green teas from Shizuoka and Kagoshima Prefectures. Sen no Rikyū, the most famous master of the Japanese Tea Ceremony, taught his disciples to "do things differently". Japanese Green Tea Online has received accolades from tea experts, periodicals, and loyal Most Japanese green teas are made from elegantly handled leaves, and much of their quality and rich.

Japanese green tea Genuine Japanese green tea shipped worldwide directly from our tea farm in Uji, Kyoto, Japan. We are proud of our quality and value. Just one cup of Japanese green tea can help calm the mind, boost concentration and relieve stress. You can cook Japanese green tea using 2 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Japanese green tea

  1. You need 100 ml of water.
  2. Prepare 1 teaspoon of Gyokuro tea.

The wide selection of Green organic teas from Japan. Here, your Japanese green tea crib notes. Japan's most consumed green tea, Sencha grows in full sunlight (hello, vitamin C!) and is an ideal everyday tea with a bright, vegetal flavor. Green teas such as matcha, sencha, gyokuro and genmaicha have been produced and consumed in Japan for thousands of years, renowned for their healthful benefits and exquisite mix of.

Japanese green tea step by step

  1. You have to make 50 C degrees water..
  2. Pour the water into the pot in a circular motion..
  3. Wait 3 minutes. The Gyuroko is best after 3 minutes!.
  4. Pour a little in each cup and repeat that process so that when you return to the first cup. It essentally tastes the same as all the others..
  5. Enjoy!.
  6. .

The Japanese tea is complementary at most restaurants in Japan. Bottled green tea (unsweetened) is a popular drink in Japan. You can easily find it in vending machines or convenience stores. Japanese green teas include Sencha, Genmaicha, and matcha tea. Japanese sencha green tea is uplifting and refreshing.