Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Yummy! Cinnamon tea soothes if sick

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Yummy! Cinnamon tea soothes if sick. Cinnamon tea is just what you need when you are feeling sick. It helps soothe throats and it actually tastes pretty good! It's very easy to make and only It's warm and cinnamony and does a great job at soothing a sore throat!

Yummy! Cinnamon tea soothes if sick Cinnamon is well-known for its ability to lower blood sugar. Studies have found that the spice can mimic the effects of insulin, a hormone that helps remove sugar from. Cinnamon Sore Throat Tea is the best tea for sore throat for when you're sick with a cold or the flu use plant based Sore throat tea. You can have Yummy! Cinnamon tea soothes if sick using 3 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Yummy! Cinnamon tea soothes if sick

  1. You need 1 spoonful of of cinnamon.
  2. It's of your choice of tea.
  3. Prepare 1 spoon of full of honey.

I'm not a good sick person. You know how some women complain about their husbands that the men Cinnamon Sore Throat Tea. Soothe your throat and feel better soon! Cinnamon Citrus Tea: Add lemon, orange or lime juice.

Yummy! Cinnamon tea soothes if sick instructions

  1. Leave your tea sit in hot water and stir. Next add honey and cinnamon for big flavor.

Just be careful if you add milk because it may curdle. Cinnamon Ginger Cold and Flu Fighter Cinnamon Tea for Weight Loss: Sweeten your tea with stevia. Naturally low in calories, stevia is the perfect compliment to cinnamon, whose reputation. In case you need any more reason to try cinnamon tea and experience all of its healthful benefits, here's some info to get you started! Cinnamon tea aids in weight loss, improves digestion, helps to lower cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugar levels, & prevent chronic diseases.