Easiest Way to Cook Yummy Nopales con huevo (cactus and scrambled eggs)

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Nopales con huevo (cactus and scrambled eggs). Nopales (cactus leaves) with scrambled eggs are a delicious treat, and good with tortillas or toast. The soft, almost grassy flavor of the cactus (it is a plant, after all) goes as well with eggs as similarly mild-flavored but distinctive veggies like asparagus or spinach. Popular Southern Texas breakfast tacos filled w/ sautéed cactus, scrambled eggs & spices.

Nopales con huevo (cactus and scrambled eggs) Add eggs and veggies, and wrap in a fresh tortilla for a unique and delicious Mexican breakfast. Nopales con huevos is a classic Mexican dish made with prickly pear cactus and scrambled eggs. Cactus Paddles - Today I also have the recipes for Nopales Salad and Nopales with Eggs. You can have Nopales con huevo (cactus and scrambled eggs) using 5 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Nopales con huevo (cactus and scrambled eggs)

  1. It's 12 of eggs.
  2. You need 3 of serano chiles sliced up.
  3. It's 2 of garlic cloves.
  4. Prepare 1 lb of cleaned diced nopales.
  5. Prepare 1 of salt to taste.

Notes: Nopales (cactus leaves) have been a staple of Mexican cooking since pre-Hispanic times. They taste a little like green beans, and they're a source of vitamins A and C. Fresh nopales with the thorns removed can be found in the produce section at many grocery stores. Cactus leaves or cactus pads taste like a cross between a green bean and a green bell pepper.

Nopales con huevo (cactus and scrambled eggs) step by step

  1. In fry pan with small amount of oil sautee nopales chiles and garlic till they start to brown.
  2. In a bowl add salt, beat eggs till mixed well. Add to pan with rest of the ingredients and cook until eggs are done..

Nopal is a common name in Spanish for Opuntia cacti (commonly referred to in English as prickly pear), as well as for its pads. There are approximately one hundred and fourteen known species endemic to Mexico, where the plant is a common ingredient in numerous Mexican cuisine dishes. Nopales con huevos is a classic Mexican dish made with prickly pear cactus and scrambled eggs. There are some recipes that I feel don't require a recipe. For example, this recipe is very simple to make and doesn't seem like it qualifies as a recipe.