Recipe: Yummy Cold Coffee Detox Mocktail

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Cold Coffee Detox Mocktail. Have you ever thought about combining cold brew coffee and lemon juice? What about cold brew coffee and fresh mint leaves? I know these sound like odd combos, but you're going to want to give them a try.

Cold Coffee Detox Mocktail Unfortunately, the occasional coffee turned into one a day, then two a day, then mixed with energy Caffeine detox isn't as easy as one would think and I can definitely see the ties to addiction that caffeine possesses. These Madcap coffee mocktails really rock! I Quit Coffee Cold Turkey, And This Is What Happened To My Body. You can cook Cold Coffee Detox Mocktail using 11 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Cold Coffee Detox Mocktail

  1. You need 2 tsp of coffee powder.
  2. It's 1/2 tsp of coco powder.
  3. It's 1 sachet of Eno (lemon flavour).
  4. Prepare 2 tbsp or to taste of powder sugar.
  5. Prepare 1 tsp of lemon juice.
  6. It's 1 pinch of white salt.
  7. Prepare 1 pinch of black salt.
  8. Prepare 5-6 of mint leaves.
  9. It's 1/2 glass of crushed ice.
  10. It's 4-5 of ice cube.
  11. You need 1 tbsp of normal water.

My name is Amber, and I'm addicted to coffee. Before starting my coffee detox, I knew there would be symptoms of caffeine withdrawal. I just don't think I realized how bad it would be. Throughout this coffee detox we are doing a few things.

Cold Coffee Detox Mocktail instructions

  1. Take a long glass. Add coffee powder, coco powder, sugar, lemon juice, white, black salt & mix normal water,stir with spoon..
  2. Now add crushed ice, mint leave and eno mix well..
  3. Serve with mint leaf & lemon slice. chilled detox Mocktail ready. Enjoy summertime with cold coffee detox Mocktail.

Cold and flu season is coming. Not getting enough sleep for even one night sets the terrain for germs to take hold, not to mention weakens our will to say no to the donuts and coffee and yes to a power smoothie. Yummy mocktails for non-boozy (but very cool) wedding drink alternatives Find out what can happen to your body and mind when you do a two-week coffee detox. I am so proud of myself for completing this two week detox.