Recipe: Tasty Grilled tuna sandwich

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Grilled tuna sandwich. Browse Our Variety Of Easy Sandwich Recipes Online At Kraft® Only. Mom's tuna salad recipe is always a hit because of the delicious textures and flavors. When there's any leftover Dad gets to make his famous cheesy grilled tuna melt sandwiches.

Grilled tuna sandwich The Secrets to the Best Damn Grilled Tuna and Cheese Sandwich. Use high quality, sustainably caught, tuna fish, either canned in water or vacuum packed. Use a good quality mayonnaise, not salad dressing. You can cook Grilled tuna sandwich using 8 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Grilled tuna sandwich

  1. It's 1 can of tuna drained.
  2. It's 1 of boiled egg diced.
  3. Prepare 1/4 of of a purple onion diced.
  4. It's to taste of Salt and pepper.
  5. You need 1 of pickle diced.
  6. It's 1/4 of of a cup or less.
  7. You need to taste of Mustard.
  8. You need 2 tbsp of butter.

Use quite a bit of celery seed. A good quality bread is essential, either home made or store bought. Spray grill rack with cooking spray. Heat coals or gas grill for direct heat.

Grilled tuna sandwich step by step

  1. Mix all together. And set in the refrigerator for an hour to let the flavors come together. Butter opposite sides of the bread on the inside of the bread put the butter side down on the frying pan and add your tuna set the other butter side up on the sandwich. And grill until golden brown.

Remove tuna from marinade; discard marinade. Spread both sides of the bread thinly with butter. Place the cheese on the bread and then the tuna. To make the sandwich, I set the tuna to the side and gather a slice of cheese (American or cheddar), two slices of wheat bread, and a tablespoon and a half of butter or margarine, (You can also use non-stick spray to cut calories.) For the tuna: In a large bowl, break up the tuna with a fork and add the mayonnaise, lemon juice, red onions, green onions, basil, cilantro, parsley, mint and vinegar. A perfect, simple, and easy Tuna Melt Grilled Cheese Sandwich is a great addition to the lunch rotation.