Easiest Way to Make Delicious Fatniss Everdeen

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Fatniss Everdeen. Freetime Edits Recommended for you Katniss Everdeen is the main protagonist and the narrator of the Hunger Games trilogy. This action set in motion the events of the entire series. Katniss's father was a miner and illegal hunter who traded on the black market in.

Fatniss Everdeen More like Fatniss Evereatin - FunSubstance. FunSubstance.com - Constant updates of the funniest, most awesome, & best entertaining stuff on the web! Stupid Funny Funny Cute The Funny Funny Stuff Random Stuff Stupid Memes Funny Things Hunger Games Memes The Hunger Games. You can cook Fatniss Everdeen using 3 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Fatniss Everdeen

  1. It's 1 bunch of fresh, ripe, and delicious Strawberries.
  2. You need 1 can of Nutella (chocolate hazelnut spread).
  3. It's 1 of Spoon.

That's right, this ain't yer mama's mashed potatoes. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Just a friendly reminder that we have our own discord server! Madea was suppose to be a mini pig.

Fatniss Everdeen step by step

  1. Oh my goodness. Seriously give yourself a pat on the back for even THINKING of doing this. I did..
  2. Channel your inner Fatniss Everdeen. You know who she is. She's the girl who's always hungry. She uses her sharp skills to maneuver through any room (mainly the kitchen) looking for ways to turn even the healthiest snacks into diabolical and epic treats that make unicorns and Chuck Norris yearn for more..
  3. Open the Nutella..
  4. Given it a sniff. I mean REALLY give it a sniff. Quietly enjoy the aroma while giving thanks to the higher powers that be who allowed such a product to grace our supermarket shelves..
  5. Dip your spoon into the gooey goodness of greatness that is the Nutella. Spread it....WAIT. Did you wash those strawberries?!.
  6. If you haven't, you'd better. Bird poop can cause some pretty nasty diseases and stuff. Not to mention that's just GROSS! Start washing..
  7. Okay, now spread the chocolate of the gods (and Kobe Bryant) on one of the strawberries..
  8. Eat it. Eat it and wonder why. Why? Why didn't I think of this sooner? Why is this so delicious? Why did I just eat the entire jar of Nutella before and not add something to it? Why is there not bacon in my other hand?.
  9. Annnnnnd you're welcome. Fatniss Everdeen's work is done for the day..

But I now know mini pigs are just pigs who have been starved to the point of stunting their growth. Search, discover and share your favorite Fatniss GIFs. The ultimate fansite for news and information on The Hunger Games books and movies. The Hunger Games charecters are forceed against their wi- I mean PLAY a game of truth or dare. But I bet it's something great." says and obviously confused Leigha. "Umm no its not.