Recipe: Tasty Basic Crepes

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Basic Crepes. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour and the eggs. Gradually add in the milk and water, stirring to combine. Preparation Whisk eggs and salt in large bowl.

Basic Crepes The secret: letting the batter rest. This is my favorite basic crepes recipe. These basic crêpes are easy to make with just milk, eggs, flour, salt, and butter, and can be served This deceptively named basic crêpes recipe works for any crêpes incarnation, savory and sweet. You can cook Basic Crepes using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Basic Crepes

  1. Prepare 2 tbsp of White sugar.
  2. It's 1 pinch of Salt.
  3. Prepare 1 cup of AP flour.
  4. Prepare 1 1/2 cup of Milk.
  5. It's 2 large of egg whites.
  6. Prepare 1 tbsp of Vegetable oil/ olive oil.

Here is a basic crepe recipe that I use all of the time. By changing the batter ingredients just sightly, this recipe can be used to make breakfast, dessert and even savory crepes. All you need to do is. This basic crepe recipe is perfect for your favorite crepe fillings and toppings.

Basic Crepes instructions

  1. Whisk together ingredients in a medium bowl until only small clumps are very few..
  2. Heat pan on a low to medium tempeture range..
  3. Spray small pan with cooking spray, Pam works fine..
  4. Ladle enough batter into the pan to lightly cover the bottom..
  5. After the crepe is solidified and had taken a slightly yellow tint, use a rubber spatula to flip over and brown. (Only use rubber spatula- NO METAL OR WOOD.).

This basic crepes recipe is a delicious, versatile French dessert tradition. Follow this easy recipe to make the French crepe batter. Making basic crepes can be tough if you've never done it before, so expect to scrap your first one or two! The main idea for basic crepes is to create a paper thin pancakes that you cook in a skillet. This Martha Stewart crepe recipe is easier to make than you think!